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| The innovative FINSTRAL window wall system meets demanding requirements 鈥 constantly flexible, always individual
| Skaala was founded in 1956 as a one-man company. The father of the two current owners, Hannu and Markku Hautanen, was a carpenter and already in those days, he processed glass while repairing doors and windows.
| Curtain wall, storefront glass, and windows are everyday parts of building design and construction. Like all parts of a building exterior, glazing elements have to meet the fundamental functional
| FINSTRAL is a company group with its headquarters in Bolzano (IT) and occupies a successful niche in developing high quality doors and windows, as well as glass fittings.
| Will glass break if window film is installed to glazing?
| i.lab - Innovation and Technology Central LaboratoryBergamo, Italy - The Plan 060, Settembre 2012Richard Meier & Partners Architects
| Transposing the EPBD in national laws, why it is so important for the glass industry?
| Decisive plus for greater efficiency and less noise
| Glazing can take several forms in a building application including curtain wall, operable windows, storefront, skylights and architectural glass.
| Instant privacy at the flick of a switch. This is what a switchable privacy glass offers.
| Wrightstyle Limited is one of the UK鈥檚 most innovative steel glazing specialists with an international client base. Lee Coates, the company鈥檚 technical manager, explains the mechanics of fire and fire safety.
| Fire sprinklers in a glazing publication? The topic may seem unrelated to the glass industry, yet in reality, what you know about sprinklers may significantly impact the way you glaze a building for fire safety and protect you from liability issues.
| A comprehensive fire protection program addresses at least three things: detection, suppression and compartmentation. Detection devices such as smoke and fire alarms provide early warnings and are essential for alerting people to danger.
| Windows and, generally, glass allow you to see and to be seen. However, sometimes it may be desirable to be shielded from view. Liquid crystal glazing is a perfect alternative to conventional curtains in a variety of contexts.
| In recent years there have been a number of sensational reports in the media about 鈥済lass cancer鈥 and 鈥渟pontaneous glass fracture鈥, with stories relating to 鈥済lass raining down from highrise buildings鈥.